Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Visualization Techniques (Techniken der Visualisierung) WS'23/24

Dr.-Ing. Susana Castillo

Hörerkreis: Bachelor & Master

Modul: INF-STD-14, INF-STD-69
Vst.Nr.: 4216030


  • On the last lecture, (24.01.24) we will conduct the teaching evaluation (Lehrevaluation). Please come and participate! Your feedback helps us to improve the lecture.
  • Each student needs to give a short scientific presentation of 14 minutes (+ 3 minutes for questions) on the assigned paper. The presentations should be in English, and can use any desired template. For your convinience, we offer the ICG slides template (but its use is not compulsory).
  • For a more interesting discussion, the students should take a look at the papers that will be presented in each session (see the Agenda section).

  • For those students for whom the lecture is offered as a 5-credits course, they need to turn in a 10-page write-up on their selected paper including additional background. The  deadline to submit the report is the 07.02.2024  (23:59). Submission shall be done via email to


  • This lecture is included in the Digital Literacy Certificate (Digital Literacy Zertifikat).
  • This lecture does not use studIP. Please register to attend the lecture using the registration form on our website ( This way we can notify you of any current changes. This registration is informal and does not replace the official examination registration at the respective examination office (if required for your course of studies).

  • If you encounter any problems, please send an email to
  • The lecture will be conducted in English.

  • Lecture starts on the 25.10.2023


Photos, drawings, maps, diagrams, pictograms, cartoons, text, formulas, PowerPoint presentations...: Our sense of sight is the most important information input channel into our consciousness. Whether representational or abstract information, a suitable form of visualization enables us to grasp the meaning of information faster and more fundamentally than, for example, when we just hear the information.

The lecture will explore the background of information visualization from the perspective of computer science, psychology, neuroscience, and art. We will deal with questions like

  • What is information?
  • What forms of information exist?
  • How does visual information enter our consciousness?
  • How can information be visualized?
  • What forms of visualization are there?
  • What is attention?
  • How is attention aroused visually?
  • How is visual information stored in the brain?

The course is explicitly aimed at students of ALL disciplines and is also offered as a key qualification in the lecture pool "interdisciplinary qualification".

Additionally, the participants of this lecture will be given the opportunity to obtain a certificate for their acquisition of skills in the areas of media, information and digital transformation: the Digital Literacy Certificate (Digital Literacy Zertifikat). For more informating, please refer to, or this document.

Place and time:

  • Every Wednesday from 11:30 to 13:00
  • Room IZ 161 (Lecture is exclusively conducted in presence)
  • Lecture period: 23rd October 2023 - 10th February 2024
  • Begin: 25.10.2023


  • History of Visualization
  • Visualization from the point of view of information theory
  • Aspects of visual perception psychology
  • Visualization and cognition
  • Techniques for the representation of information
  • Interactive visualization techniques

Administrative formalities:

  • Duration: 2 SWS
  • Credit points: 3  (3 LPe, Studienleistung)
  • Examination modality: Presentation
  • In order to obtain the course credits, each participant must prepare and give a short scientific presentation of around 12-14 minutes in length on one of the suggested papers. Please not that each presentation session consists of 5 papers and the times have been calculated accordingly, i.e., for an optimal of 14 minutes talk plus 3 minutes questions. Please adjust to those times as any delay will result in running over the time of your colleagues or into a longer session. Own suggestions for topics are also welcome! (please send the corresponding article in electronic form to the contact mail Topics will be assigned in November.
  • Attendance of at least 50% of the sessions is required to acquire the study credit points.
  • Additionally, for those students for whom the lecture is offered as a 5-credits course, they need to turn in a 10-page write-up on their selected paper including additional background.


  • Interest in perception and the human visual system

Recommended Literature:

  • Ward, Grinstein, and Keim. Interactive Data Visualization, AK Peters, 2010.
  • Ware. Information Visualization, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Munzner. Visualization Analysis and Design, AK Peters Visualization Series, CRC Press, 2014





L1: Introduction & History of Visualization


L2: Our Visual Brain


L3: Visual Perception [Proposed Exercises]


L4: Visual Information Coding


L5: Good & Bad Design in Visualization


No Lecture


Presentations Session I [Papers: #13, #14, #19, #53] 


Presentations Session II [Papers: #03, #06, #09, #16, #54]


Presentations Session III [Papers: #15, #17, #18, #48]  

27.12.23 & 03.01.24

No Lecture (Christmas break)


Presentations Session IV  [Papers: #28, #36, #42, #46, #55 ]


Presentation Session V  [Papers: #04, #08, #20, #44, #45] 


Presentation Session VI  [Papers: #02, #21, #34, #41]


No Lecture


Deadline 10-page write-up (only 5-credits students). No Lecture