Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Bild-Aspekte (Image Aspects) SS'22

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Magnor

Hörerkreis: Bachelor & Master

Modul: INF-CG-027
Vst.Nr.: 4216027


  • We will resume the lecture on the 22.06 with the first round of presentations.
  • Presentation dates: 22.06, 29.06, 06.07, 13.07, 20.07.
  • You can find the ICG slides template here. Its use is not mandatory.


What are pictures? How are they created? What distinguishes pictures? How do they impact us? The lecture explores the nature of images from the perspective of mathematics, physics, computer science, psychology, neuroscience, and art.

The course is explicitly aimed at students of ALL disciplines and is also offered as a key qualification in the lecture pool "interdisciplinary qualification" ("überfachliche Qualifikation").

Time and place:

  • Every Wednesday from 15:00 to 16:30
  • Room: IZ 161
  • Lecture period: 20.04.2022 to 27.07.2022
  • Start: 20.04.2022


  • How many pictures are there?
  • Which is the oldest picture in the world?
  • How do optical illusions work?
  • Impossible shapes
  • What makes faces so interesting?
  • How does make-up work?
  • Is attractiveness hereditary?
  • Pictures on drugs
  • Hidden image content
  • Why do we hang impressionist paintings on our walls?
  • What's behind modern art?


  • Duration: 2 SWS
  • Credit Points: 3 (3 LPe, Studienleistung)
  • Examination modality: Presentation

In order to obtain the course credit, each participant must present in a 10-15 minute talk one of the scholarly articles listed below under "topics". Please list three topic preferences.


  • Interest in images, photography, art, vision, and visual perception.



All links are accessible from within the TU domain and the pdf files are downloadable. Some are protected with the password given in the lecture. If there are any problems please report them to

Images and Nature


Images and Numbers


    Images and Vision

    • H. Kolb, "How the retina works", 2004 (V1)
      Excellent article about the structure and function of our retina.      
    • J. Böttger, "Darstellungen von Betrachtungsvorgängen", 2003 (V2)
      Diploma thesis (DE) on the topic of where and for how long our eyes look when we look at an image, including a nice visualization of the determined gaze duration.        

    - J. McCann, "Lessons learned from Mondrians applied to real images and color gamuts", 1999 (V3.1)

    - B. Funt et al., "Retinex in MATLAB", 2004 (V3.2)

    • S. Shevell et al., "Color in complex scenes", 2008 (V6)
      Overall view of the mutual influence of colors in our perception.        
    • F. Cole et al., "Where do people draw lines?", 2008 (V10)
      The authors investigate which lines artists draw to represent 3D objects as pencil drawings.        
    • D. Hoffman, "The Construction of Visual Reality", 2011 (V12)
      A neuroscientist's rationale for why we see optical illusions and why they may have been evolutionarily advantageous.        
    • J. Koenderink et al., "Pointing out of the picture", 2004 (V19)
      Fascinating investigation into the perception of two-dimensional projection of three-dimensional scenes including an explanation of why some eyes in paintings seem to follow us.


    Images and the Mind


    Images and Art

    • M. Petry, "Sculpture and Touch", 2008 (A6)
      Examination, from an art perspective, of the differences between the senses of touch and sight using sculptures.
    • H. Cohen, "What is an image?"(A10)
      An attempt to answer what an image is from the point of view of an AI scientist. Gives the description of an "art robot".

    Further Reading:


      Presentations' Agenda:


      Presentations Session I  [Papers: A1, V7, M2, M15]      


      Presentations Session II  [Papers: A2, A3, A7, V10, V12]        


      Presentation Session III  [Papers: V5, V9, M6, N4]          


      Presentation Session IV  [Papers: N2, V11, V20]             


      Presentation Session V  [Papers: V14, V17]