Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Integrating Headlight Glares into Driving Simulations Based on Human Contrast Perception

The aim of this work is to simulate glaring headlights by measuring the effects of glare on human contrast perception and including the results in a driving simulator.

As contrast perception is highly subjective, two psychophysical experiments were performed. For different glare intensities and durations, the recurring contrast perception of the subject was recorded. Further, varying background illuminations were incorporated. The results have been integrated into a driving simulation by adjusting the display contrast. Afterwards the implementation was evaluated in a field test.

The modified night driving simulation provides a more realistic visualization and enables the analysis of critical traffic scenarios including headlight glare.

This leads to a better transferability of driving simulator results to reality and enables a deeper research of the interaction of oncoming vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems.

Author(s):Benjamin Meyer, Sebastian Thomschke, Mark Gonter, Marcus Magnor
Published:October 2012
Type:Article in conference proceedings
Book:Proc. VISION2012 (SIA)
Presented at:VISION 2012
Project(s): Simulating Visual Perception 

  title = {Integrating Headlight Glares into Driving Simulations Based on Human Contrast Perception},
  author = {Meyer, Benjamin and Thomschke, Sebastian and Gonter, Mark and Magnor, Marcus},
  booktitle = {Proc. {VISION}2012},
  volume = {821},
  month = {Oct},
  year = {2012}
