Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Immersive Attention Guidance


Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) offers high flexibility to its users, i.e. viewers of 360° panoramic videos can freely chose their viewing direction while watching a movie that is playing all around them. But this raises the problem that viewers might miss important information because they are not looking into the right direction at the right time — which is an important problem for storytelling in VR.

This research project explores methods for unobtrusive visual attention guidance in 360° virtual environments.


This work is being funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) under the Reinhart Koselleck Project "Immersive Digital Reality" (DFG MA2555/15-1) and "ICG Dome" (DFG INST 188/409-1 FUGG).


Steve Grogorick, Marcus Magnor:
Subtle Visual Attention Guidance in VR
in Magnor M., Sorkine-Hornung A. (Eds.): Real VR – Immersive Digital Reality: How to Import the Real World into Head-Mounted Immersive Displays, Springer International Publishing, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-41816-8, pp. 272-284, March 2020.

Steve Grogorick, Georgia Albuquerque, Marcus Magnor:
Comparing Unobtrusive Gaze Guiding Stimuli in Head-mounted Displays
in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE, October 2018.

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