Talk BA-Talk: Guiding the Eyes: Development and Implementation of Gaze Guidance Methods for wide-field-of-view Immersive Environments
15.06.2018 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Oliver Urbaniak
Talk BA-Vortrag: Implementierung und Analyse von Fluid-Kontrolle mittels automatischer Differentiation
27.04.2018 10:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Martin Busch
Talk Humanness of virtual agents
16.04.2018 13:00
Seminarraum ICG (IZ G30)
Speaker(s): Katharina Legde
BTU Cottbus
Since computers are increasingly being used in all aspects of daily life, it would be of great advantage if we could communicate with them the same way we would interact with other people. The field of affective interfaces is working towards making computers more accessible by giving them natural-language abilities, including using synthesized speech, facial expressions, and virtual body motions. Such virtual characters often have adult bodies. An adult interface agent usually leads users to expect advanced communicational and social skills. Since computer social skills are still under-developed, users tend to be rather intolerant towards such an agent and find them less likable and appealing. This talk will discuss the challenges of creating an agent with human-like communicational and social skills to thereby raise the acceptance towards virtual avatars.
Talk Teamprojekt-Abschluss: World Builder VR Toolkit Continued
26.03.2018 13:00
ICG Lab, Campus Nord
Präsentation der Ergebnisse des studentischen Teamprojekts.
Talk BA-Talk: From Chairs to Humans: Specializing FlowNet 2 to non-rigid Human Motion
27.02.2018 14:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Maximilian Homann
Talk Das Weltall in Farbe und 3D
21.02.2018 19:00
Planetarium Wolfsburg
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
Public lecture at the planetarium Wolfsburg (website)
Ob in Science Fiction-Filmen, Computerspielen oder im Planetarium: das Weltall ist reich an Formen und Farben. Dabei hat wohl noch niemand mit eigenen Augen einen echten astronomischen Nebel in bunt und 3D gesehen. Wie sähe es wohl vor Ort wirklich aus, wenn wir zum Ring-, Orion- oder Pferdekopfnebel fliegen könnten?
Talk Immersive Digital Reality
12.01.2018 10:15
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
Keynote presentation at VR Walkthrough Technology Day, TU Tampere, Finland (presentation video)
Since the times of the Lumière brothers, the way we watch movies hasn’t fundamentally changed: whether in movie theaters, on mobile devices, or on TV at home, we still experience movies as outside observers, watching the action through a “peephole” whose size is defined by the angular extent of the screen. As soon as we look away from the screen or turn around, we are immediately reminded that we are only “voyeurs”. With full field-of-view, head-mounted and tracked displays available now on the consumer market, this outside-observer paradigm of visual entertainment is giving way to a fully immersive experience that encompasses the viewer and is able to draw us in much more than was possible before.
Current endeavors towards immersive visual entertainment, however, are still almost entirely based on 3D graphics-generated content, limiting application scenarios to virtual worlds only. The reason is that in order to provide for stereo vision and ego-motion parallax, which are essential for genuine visual immersion perception, the scene must be rendered in real-time from arbitrary vantage points. While this can be easily accomplished for 3D graphics via standard GPU rendering, it is not at all straight-forward to do the same from conventional video footage acquired of real-world events.
In my talk I will outline avenues of research toward enabling the immersive experience of real-world recordings, enhancing the immersive viewing experience by taking perceptual issues into account, and extending visual immersion beyond a single viewer to create a collectively experienceable immersive real-world environment.
Talk MA-Talk: Fast high-resolution GPU-based Computed Tomography
22.12.2017 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Markus Wedekind
Talk MA-Talk: Automatic Infant Face Verification
08.12.2017 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Hangjian Zhang
Talk Solution methods for vector field tomography in different geometries
15.11.2017 14:30
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Thomas Schuster
Vector field tomography has a broad range of applications such as medical diagnosis, oceanography, plasma physics or electron tomography. In the talk, we present an overview of vector field tomography in several different settings with adapted numerical solvers and inversion schemes.
Talk Bsc Talk: A framework for psychophysical experiment design in immersive full-dome environments
30.10.2017 13:00
ICG Dome, Northern Campus
Speaker(s): Jan-Frederick Musiol
This thesis documents the development of a software framework for conducting psychophysical experiments using the dome projection system of the Computer Graphics Lab at the TU Braunschweig (ICG Dome).
The framework adapts the approaches of existing software designed for conventional flat displays to this new immersive environment.
The thesis describes the functionality of the framework and explains the process of building an experiment using an example.
Finally it discusses the suitability of the ICG Dome for psychophysical experimentation.
Talk Data-driven Compressed Sensing Tomography
09.10.2017 09:00
Sandia National Labs, USA
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
Talk BA-Talk: Evaluation of Skinning Techniques for Skeletal Animation in MonSteR
04.09.2017 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Paul Maximilian Bittner
Talk MA Talk: Facial Texture Generation from Uncontrolled Monocular Video
01.09.2017 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Rudolf Martin
Talk Real Virtual Humans
10.07.2017 13:30
IZ G30
Speaker(s): Gerard Pons-Moll
For man-machine interaction it is crucial to develop models of humans that look and move indistinguishably from real humans. Such virtual humans will be key for application areas such as computer vision, medicine and psychology, virtual and augmented reality and special effects in movies.
Currently, digital models typically lack realistic soft tissue and clothing dynamics or require time-consuming manual editing of physical simulation parameters. Our hypothesis is that better and more realistic models of humans and clothing can be learned directly from real measurements coming from 4D scans, images and depth and inertial sensors. We combine statistical machine learning techniques and physics based simulation to create realistic models from data.
I will give an overview of several of our projects in which we build realistic models of human pose and shape, soft-tissue dynamics and clothing. I will also present a recent technique we have developed to capture human movement from only 6 inertial sensors attached at the body limbs. This will enable capturing human motion of every day activities, for example while we are interacting with other people, while we are riding a bike or driving a car. Such recorded motions will be key to learn models that replicate human behaviour. I will conclude the talk outlining the next challenges to build virtual humans that are indistinguishable from real people.
Gerard Pons-Moll obtained his degree in superior Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2008. From 2007 to 2008 he was at Northeastern University in Boston USA with a fellowship from the Vodafone foundation conducting research on medical image analysis. He received his Ph.D. degree (with distinction) from the Leibniz University of Hannover in 2014. In 2012 he was a visiting researcher at the vision group at the University of Toronto. In 2012 he also worked as intern at the computer vision group at Microsoft Research Cambridge. From 11/2013 until 11/2015 he was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Intelligent Systems in Tuebingen, Germany. Since 11/2015 he is a research scientist at the MPI.
His work has been published in the major computer vision and computer graphics conferences and journals including Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, CVPR, ICCV, BMVC(Best Paper), Eurographics(Best Paper), IJCV and TPAMI. He serves regularly as a reviewer for TPAMI, IJCV, Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ACCV and others. He co-organized 3 tutorials at major conferences: 1 tutorial at ICCV 2011 on Looking at People: Model Based Pose Estimation, and 2 tutorials at ICCV 2015 and Siggraph 2016 on Modeling Human Bodies in Motion.
His research interests are 3D modeling of humans and clothing in motion and using machine learning and graphics models to solve vision problems.
Talk MA-Talk: Virtually Increasing the Walkable Area in Room-Scale Immersive Environments
23.06.2017 13:00
Informatikzentrum, Seminarraum G30
Speaker(s): Adrian Wierzbowski
Talk Bildbasiertes Messen und Modellieren der realen Welt
20.06.2017 14:00
PTB-Braunschweig, Seminarzentrum A, Kohlrausch-Bau
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
Bilder sind Projektionen der physikalischen Realität: sämtliche leuchtenden und beleuchteten Dinge senden kontinuierlich Bilder von sich aus, in alle Richtungen und über weite Distanzen. Mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit übertragen Bilder reichhaltige Information über ihren Entstehungsort und ihre Entstehungsweise. Damit stellt jedes digitale Bild eine Messung dar, jede Digitalkamera ist ein Messinstrument, das simultan Millionen von Messwerten unserer natürlichen Umgebung erfasst, aus der Distanz und ohne das vermessene System zu beeinflussen.
In meinem Vortrag möchte ich anhand von Beispielen aus der Radioastronomie, Strömungsmechanik, Atmosphärenoptik und Wahrnehmungspsychologie zeigen, wie moderne Bildverarbeitung und Rechnersimulation in der Lage ist, aus Bildern komplexer natürlicher Vorgänge quantitative Informationen zu ermitteln.
Symposium SVCP17 - Symposium on Visual Computing and Perception
07.06.2017 13:00
- 08.06.2017 16:00
Campus Nord, TU Braunschweig
Speaker(s): Micheal Bach, Heinrich Bülthoff, Jan Koenderink, Holger Theisel, Bernt Schiele, Erik Reinhard
Computer graphics, vision, and psychophysics form a scientific triad whose interdisciplinary research is about to fundamentally change the way we drive our cars, watch movies, play games, communicate with one another and computers, socially interact, learn, live. In six distinguished lectures, some of the most renowned scientists worldwide in these fields will share their view on what has already been accomplished, which challenges still lie ahead, and what we may expect in the future. The symposium is intended to bring together all scientific communities interested in visual computing and perception, to stir everyone's imagination, and to foster exciting new research between graphics, vision, and perception. (SVCP'17 web page)
Talk Einsatz der Unity-Engine in VR-Umgebungen
12.05.2017 13:00
ICG Lab Campus Nord
Speaker(s): Marcus Riemer
Die Unity-Engine ist eine populäre Entwicklungsumgebung für Spiele und interaktive Anwendungen. Neben klassischen Zielplattformen wie PC oder Smartphone bietet Unity auch Entwicklungsschnittstellen für verschiedenste VR Systeme. Marcus Riemer berichtet über den Einsatz von Unity an der FH Wedel sowie die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Nutzung für individuelle VR Systeme am Beispiel eines CAVE Virtual Environment.
Weitere Vortragende: Steffen Kurt, Florian Habib
Symposium The Entanglement between Gesture, Media and Politics
24.04.2017 13:00
- 28.04.2017 13:00
HBK Institute for Performing Arts and ICG Dome, Northern Campus
Host(s): Jan-Philipp Tauscher, Chair(s): Paul Maximilian Bittner, Speaker(s): Timo Herbst
Das vorliegende Projekt The Entanglement between Gesture, Media and Politics untersucht die Verschränkungen körperlicher Gesten mit zeitgenössischen ubiquitären und global vernetzten Medientechnologien. Die Entwicklung dieser Technologien, so die Annahme, korrespondiert damit, dass sich die Frage nach Gesten in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen neuerlich und dringlich stellt. Seit den 1990er Jahren wächst das künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Interesse an Gesten; allerdings gibt es keine allgemeingültige Definition dessen, was eine Geste sei, vielmehr arbeiten unterschiedliche Ansätze mit je eigenen Konzepten, Methoden und Zielen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund erforscht das Projekt die Verschränkung von Gesten, Medien und Politik in der inter- und transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit von Kunst und Wissenschaft. Dafür haben wir uns zwei Schwerpunktthemen gewählt: Unter der Überschrift „Un/Wahrnehmbare Gesten“ fragen wir, inwieweit das Verständnis und die Praxis von „Geste“ schon immer eine komplexe Konstruktion von Sinneseindrücken und Medientechnologien (gewesen) ist. Mit dem Schwerpunkt „Politische Geste“ untersuchen wir, wie intersubjektiv lesbare Gesten in ihre politischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontexte eingebunden sind und diese sogar neu bestimmen können.
Um einen gleichberechtigten Dialog zwischen KünstlerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen zu gewähr- leisten, wechseln sich Phasen der gemeinsamen Arbeit in einer Workshopserie mit Phasen der indivi- duellen Forschung und Arbeit ab. Die Workshops bieten einen sehr spezifischen Ort der Begegnung und ein angemessenes Setting, um Methoden des interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeitens zu entwickeln und zu erproben. Durch den Wechsel von Methoden und Praktiken vertiefen die Teilnehmenden ihr eigenes disziplinäres Erforschen der Phänomene und entwickeln gleichermaßen transdisziplinäre Er- kenntnisse über Gesten in ihren Verschränkungen mit Medien und dem Politischen. Darüberhinaus erarbeitet das Projekt innerhalb der Workshopserie ein Framework für interdisziplinäre Forschung von Kunst und Wissenschaft.
Entlang der Erfordernisse und Ziele unserer Zusammenarbeit verspricht das Projekt „The Entangle- ment between Gesture, Media and Politics“ folgende Ergebnisse und Produkte: (1) eine Plattform zur Unterstützung kollaborativer Arbeitsprozesse; (2) Dokumentationen der Workshops; (3) individuelle Arbeiten der TeilnehmerInnen (Kunstwerke, Performances, Artikel usw.); (4) ein öffentliches Sympo- sium, um Prozesse und Ergebnisse einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren; (5) eine Publikation zur nachhaltigen Dokumentation des Projekts und seiner Ergebnisse und (6) ein „White Paper“ für inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung von Kunst und Wissenschaft.
Talk Visual Computing and Perception
20.04.2017 13:00
GCafe, Stanford University, USA
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
Image are projections of the physical reality around us: any luminous or illuminated object continuously emits images of itself, in all directions and over huge distances. At the speed of light images convey a wealth of information about their origins, which our visual system deciphers almost without effort, in real time, extremely efficient, and enormously robust. Consequently, our visual sense has evolved to become the prime modality for gathering information of our environs. In my talk I will present a few ongoing projects to investigate how we perceive visual information and make use of perception to attain visual authenticity in computer graphics.
Talk Teamprojekt-Abschluss: Virtual Reality Dome
07.02.2017 13:30
ICG Lab, Campus Nord
Präsentation der Ergebnisse des studentischen Teamprojekts.
Talk Visual Computing - Bridging Real and Digital Domain
23.01.2017 16:00
Universität Konstanz
Invited talk at the University of Konstanz/SFB TRR 161 (abstract)
Talk Physik-basierte photorealistische Visualisierung astronomischer Nebel
09.12.2016 13:00
IZ G30
Speaker(s): Wolfgang Steffen
Talk Visual Computing - Bridging Real and Digital Domain
06.12.2016 14:00
IZ G30
Speaker(s): Marcus Magnor
invited remote talk at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (abstract)